Antisana Ecological Reserve

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Antisana Ecological Reserve is a natural wonder located in the Province of Napo, about 50 km southeast of Quito, Ecuador. It covers an area of 120,000 hectares and protects a variety of ecosystems, from Andean grasslands to mountain forests. The reserve is home to many species of wildlife, including condors, hummingbirds, spectacled bears, deer, and pumas. It also offers stunning views of the Antisana Volcano, the fourth highest peak in Ecuador at 5,753 meters.

Some of the main tourist attractions in Antisana Ecological Reserve are:

» Antisana Volcano: This is the centerpiece of the reserve and one of the most challenging climbs in Ecuador. The volcano has two peaks, one of which collapsed during a past eruption. The volcano is often covered by clouds, but on a clear day it offers a breathtaking sight of its snow-capped summit.

» Antisana Lagoons: The reserve has several beautiful lagoons that reflect the Antisana Volcano in their waters. The most famous ones are Micacocha and Mica, which are also popular for fishing and birdwatching. Other lagoons are Santa Lucia, Secas, and La Mina.

» Antisana Birdwatching: The reserve is a paradise for bird lovers, as it hosts more than 400 species of birds. The most emblematic one is the Andean Condor, which can be seen soaring over the cliffs at Peñas del Isco lookout. Other birds that can be spotted are hummingbirds, carunculated caracaras, black-faced ibises, Andean lapwings, and giant hummingbirds.

» Antisana Hiking: The reserve offers several trails for hiking and exploring its diverse landscapes. Some of the most popular ones are La Mica Trail, which goes around the Mica Lagoon and offers views of the volcano; El Condor Trail, which leads to a condor nesting site; and La Libertad Trail, which goes through a forest and a waterfall.

» Antisana Camping: The reserve has several camping areas where visitors can spend the night and enjoy the starry sky. Some of the best places to camp are Tambo Condor, La Mica Lagoon, and Peñas del Isco lookout.

» Antisana Cultural Life: The reserve is also a place where visitors can learn about the local culture and traditions. The nearby communities of Miraflores and Pintag offer handicrafts, gastronomy, and folklore. Visitors can also visit the Antisana Museum, which displays information about the history and ecology of the reserve.

Antisana Ecological Reserve is a must-see destination for anyone who loves nature and adventure. It is a place where visitors can admire the beauty of the Andes and discover its secrets.

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