Andean Glaciers

The Andean glaciers in Ecuador are located on the two chains of the Andes Mountains that flank the inter-Andean depression, the Cordillera Occidental and the Cordillera Oriental. You can find below, an example of a tour where you can visit and climb the 4 highest mountains of Ecuador: Cayambe (5,790 m), Antisana (5,704 m), Cotopaxi (5,897 m), and Chimborazo (6,310 m).

Day 1
City tour in Quito’s old town and visit The Middle of the World Monument. Overnight in Quito. (B/-/-)

Day 2
Spend the day Hiking the Rucu Pichincha volcano at 4800m (15750ft.). Overnight in Quito. (B/BL/-)

Day 3
We head north, near the snow-capped volcano Cayambe to hike at San Marcos Lagoon at 3400m (11155ft.). Overnight around Cayambe. (B/BL/-)

Day 4
We drive up the Cayambe volcano to the Ruales Oleas Mountain refuge at 4700m (15420ft.) to take a hike towards the western glacier and visit the turquoise lagoon. (B/BL/-)

Extra Day Option: You can take an extra day and climb to the top of the volcano, then return to the original program. (B/BL/D)

Day 5
During the day we visit the Ecological Reserve Antisana, we´ll walk along the slopes of the volcano and a visit to the Mica lagoon. Optional visit to Papallacta hot springs. Overnight in Cayambe area. (B/BL/-)

Extra Day Option: You can take an extra day and climb to the top of the volcano, then return to the original program. (B/BL/D)

Day 6
Hike in Cotopaxi national park to the José Rivas Mountain refuge at 4800m (15750ft.). Optional: descend on bike to Limpiopungo lagoon. Overnight around the area. (B/BL/-)

Extra Day Option: You can take an extra day and climb to the top of the volcano, then return to the original program. (B/BL/D)

Day 7
Bike ride through the foothills of the snow-capped volcano Cotopaxi, from the Limpiopungo lagoon at 3,800 meters above sea level (12470ft.) to the little-known Santo Domingo lagoon at 3,900m (12795ft.). Overnight in Riobamba. (B/BL/-)

Day 8
This day we will visit the Chimborazo wildlife production reserve, we will arrive at the first refuge called Hermanos Carrel at 4850m (15912ft.) and from here we will begin the walk to the second refuge, Whymper at 5000m (16405ft.). Overnight in Riobamba. (B/BL/-)

Extra Day Option: You can take an extra day and climb to the top of the volcano, then return to the original program. (B/BL/D)

Day 9
We will go to the Carihuairazo with 5018 meters above sea level (16465ft.), hike for approximately 4 hours until we reach the last glaciers of this giant. After this we will drive back to Quito. Overnight in Quito. (B/BL/-)

Day 10
One day to walk around Quito on your own. At night a dinner is included in a special place, as well as transportation to and from your lodging. Overnight in Quito. (B/BL/D)


From $700 USD p/p*

… or make your own trip!


Price Includes

  • Food as described in the program: Breakfast / Lunch or Box Lunch / Dinner. (B/BL/D)
  • Accommodation in hotels depending on the category chosen by the client.
  • ASEGUIM guides specialized in mountain on the extra days of summits.
  • Tickets and permits to the places described in the program.
  • National german / english speaking certified tourist guide.
  • Tourism transport throughout the tour.

Price Does Not Include

  • Lodging not specified in the program or extra nights.
  • Unspecified meals or alcoholic beverages.
  • Tips and personal expenses.
  • International flights.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Internal flights.

* Price may vary. Consult conditions and available dates.

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