Humboldt’s Footsteps

Alexander von Humboldt arrived in Ecuador in 1802 enthusiastic over the many contrasts Ecuador has to offer. He spent his visit studying the biodiversity of different ecosystems at different altitudes; as well as the diverse local culture within the country. In this trip we will visit some of the historical places that astonished this German scientist, like the Chimborazo (the closest point from Earth to the Sun) or the magnificent active Cotopaxi volcano. We will cross Ecuador from north to south over the Pan-American highway trying to rediscover our surroundings from Alexander’s perspective, beautiful landscapes, astonishing biodiversity, local markets, small communities and very kind people are waiting for you.

Day 1
Arrival in Quito City.

Day 2
City tour in Quito’s old town and visit The Middle of the World Monument. Overnight in Quito.

Day 3
Close to Quito you will find Pambamarca and Quitoloma ruins. We will visit Guachalá hacienda, one of the oldest and most important haciendas in the north Andes, built above old Inca ruins. Overnight in Otavalo Town.

Day 4
In the morning a visit to Otavalo’s market. Afterwards we will take a short hike around Cuicocha crater lagoon (3200m). Overnight in Quito.

Day 5
Spend the day Hiking the Rucu Pichincha volcano or visit Mindo cloud forest to the western slopes of the city. Overnight in Quito.

Day 6
Hike in Antisana ecological reserve and visit hacienda La Ciénega, were Alexander overnighted on his journey to the south of Ecuador. Overnight close to the Cotopaxi national park.

Day 7
Hike around Cotopaxi national park by Limpiopungo lagoon at 3800m. Overnight in Riobamba city.

Day 8
Walk to the highest point of our trip, up to 5100m above sea level on the Chimborazo snow-capped volcano. Overnight in Guamote.

Day 9
Visit a traditional family from Guamote and departure to the Ingapirca Inca ruins. Overnight in Cuenca.

Day 10
Discover the UNESCO world cultural heritage city Cuenca. We will also visit a renown Panama hat factory. Overnight in Cuenca.

Day 11
This day our destination will be Chordeleg, known for its jewelry and Gualaceo for the textiles produced by old and traditional techniques. Overnight in Cuenca.

Day 12
Heading south to the iconic and beautiful city of Loja. Overnight in Loja.

Day 13
Hike at the unique and diverse Podocarpus National Park tropical forest, as Humboldt’s last trails in our country. Overnight in Loja.

Day 14
Depending on your program, you can continue the trip (by car or by plane) back to Quito or towards Guayaquil and take a flight to Galapagos or your international connection.

Day 15
Transfer out.


From $1800 USD p/p*


Price Includes

  • Hotels based on double accommodation, in Tourist – Superior category.
  • All entrances and permits to the places described in the program.
  • National german speaking certified tourist guide.
  • Tourism transportation throughout the tour.
  • Food as described in the program.

Price Does Not Include

  • Lodging not specified in the program or extra nights.
  • Meals not specified or alcoholic beverages.
  • Tips and personal expenses.
  • International flight.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Internal flights.

* Price may vary. Consult conditions and available dates.

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